(※alvaMolecule version 2.0.6)
Constitutional indices
No. |
Name |
Description |
1 |
MW |
molecular weight |
2 |
GD |
graph density |
3 |
nAT |
number of atoms |
4 |
nSK |
number of non-H atoms |
5 |
nBT |
number of bonds |
6 |
nBO |
number of non-H bonds |
7 |
number of rotatable bonds |
8 |
nDB |
number of double bonds |
9 |
nTB |
number of triple bonds |
10 |
nAB |
number of aromatic bonds |
11 |
nH |
number of Hydrogen atoms |
12 |
nC |
number of Carbon atoms |
13 |
nN |
number of Nitrogen atoms |
14 |
nO |
number of Oxygen atoms |
15 |
nP |
number of Phosphorous atoms |
16 |
nS |
number of Sulfur atoms |
17 |
nF |
number of Fluorine atoms |
18 |
nCL |
number of Chlorine atoms |
19 |
nBR |
number of Bromine atoms |
20 |
nI |
number of Iodine atoms |
21 |
nB |
number of Boron atoms |
22 |
nHM |
number of heavy atoms |
23 |
nHet |
number of heteroatoms |
24 |
nX |
number of halogen atoms |
25 |
H% |
percentage of H atoms |
26 |
C% |
percentage of C atoms |
27 |
N% |
percentage of N atoms |
28 |
O% |
percentage of O atoms |
29 |
X% |
percentage of halogen atoms |
30 |
nStructures |
number of disconnected structures |
31 |
totalcharge |
total charge |
Ring descriptors
No. |
Name |
Description |
32 |
nCIC |
number of rings (cyclomatic number) |
33 |
nCIR |
number of circuits |
34 |
total ring size |
35 |
Rbrid |
ring bridge count |
36 |
number of ring systems |
37 |
nR03 |
number of 3-membered rings |
38 |
nR04 |
number of 4-membered rings |
39 |
nR05 |
number of 5-membered rings |
40 |
nR06 |
number of 6-membered rings |
41 |
nR07 |
number of 7-membered rings |
42 |
nR08 |
number of 8-membered rings |
43 |
nR09 |
number of 9-membered rings |
44 |
nR10 |
number of 10-membered rings |
45 |
nR11 |
number of 11-membered rings |
46 |
nR12 |
number of 12-membered rings |
Molecular properties
No. |
Name |
Description |
47 |
Hy |
hydrophilic factor |
48 |
Ghose-Crippen molar refractivity |
49 |
topological polar surface area using N,O polar contributions |
50 |
TPSA(Tot) |
topological polar surface area using N,O,S,P polar contributions |
51 |
Moriguchi octanol-water partition coeff. (logP) |
52 |
Ghose-Crippen octanol-water partition coeff. (logP) |
53 |
SAtot |
total surface area from P_VSA-like descriptors |
54 |
SAacc |
surface area of acceptor atoms from P_VSA-like descriptors |
55 |
SAdon |
surface area of donor atoms from P_VSA-like descriptors |
56 |
Vx |
McGowan volume |
57 |
VvdwMG |
van der Waals volume from McGowan volume |
58 |
VvdwZAZ |
van der Waals volume from Zhao-Abraham-Zissimos equation |
59 |
BLTF96 |
Verhaar Fish base-line toxicity from MLOGP (mmol/l) |
60 |
BLTD48 |
Verhaar Daphnia base-line toxicity from MLOGP (mmol/l) |
61 |
BLTA96 |
Verhaar Algae base-line toxicity from MLOGP (mmol/l) |
Drug-like indices
No. |
Name |
Description |
62 |
Ro5 |
Lipinski Rule of 5 |
63 |
DLS_01 |
modified drug-like score from Lipinski (4 rules) |
64 |
DLS_02 |
modified drug-like score from Oprea et al. (6 rules) |
65 |
DLS_03 |
modified drug-like score from Walters et al. (6 rules) |
66 |
DLS_04 |
modified drug-like score from Chen et al. (7 rules) |
67 |
DLS_05 |
modified drug-like score from Zheng et al. (2 rules) |
68 |
DLS_06 |
modified drug-like score from Rishton (6 rules) |
69 |
DLS_07 |
modified drug-like score from Veber et al. (2 rules) |
70 |
DLS_cons |
DRAGON consensus drug-like score |
71 |
LLS_01 |
modified lead-like score from Congreve et al. (6 rules) |
72 |
LLS_02 |
modified lead-like score from Monge et al. (8 rules) |
73 |
CMC-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski CMC drug-like index at 80% |
74 |
CMC-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski CMC drug-like index at 50% |
75 |
Inflammat-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinflammatory-like index at 80% |
76 |
Inflammat-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinflammatory-like index at 50% |
77 |
Depressant-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antidepressant-like index at 80% |
78 |
Depressant-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antidepressant-like index at 50% |
79 |
Psychotic-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antipsychotic-like index at 80% |
80 |
Psychotic-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antipsychotic-like index at 50% |
81 |
Hypertens-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antihypertensive-like index at 80% |
82 |
Hypertens-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antihypertensive-like index at 50% |
83 |
Hypnotic-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski hypnotic-like index at 80% |
84 |
Hypnotic-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski hypnotic-like index at 50% |
85 |
Neoplastic-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antineoplastic-like index at 80% |
86 |
Neoplastic-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antineoplastic-like index at 50% |
87 |
Infective-80 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinfective-like index at 80% |
88 |
Infective-50 |
Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinfective-like index at 50% |